Creación científica (producto de investigación): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 90
Impacto de dos modelos productivos ganaderos sobre la fauna edáfica y sus funciones ecológicas
(Asociación Argentina de Biología y Ecología de Suelos, 2019)En bosques tropicales y subtropicales la producción ganadera clásica implica el reemplazo completo de la vegetación nativa por pasturas exóticas con alta demanda de luz. Este sistema produce una rápida pérdida en la ... -
Estimación de parámetros genéticos vinculados a la calidad de la madera de pino híbrido (Pinus Elliottii var. Elliottii × Pinus Caribaea var. Hondurensis) utilizando metodologías no destructivas
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales, 2020)Incorporar al programa de mejora del Pino híbrido INTA-PINDO información genética respecto a la calidad de la madera para usos sólidos determinada a través del sonido. -
Modelos predictivos de la calidad estructural de la madera juvenil de pino híbrido basados en métodos no destructivos
(Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria (Montecarlo), 2019-09-04) -
El simulador de crecimiento y producción forestal PLAFORNEA
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, 2019-10-17)El simulador PLAFORNEA, Plataforma de Gestión Forestal, es un software para la simulación del crecimiento de plantaciones forestales homogéneas y monoespecíficas, que pueden someterse a diferentes manejos silviculturales. ... -
Parámetros indicadores de la calidad estructural de familias de pino híbrido F1 INTA-PINDÓ
(Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria (Concordia), 2021-10-14)Se seleccionaron 15 familias híbridas F1 INTA-PINDO, 5 de cada posición del ranking genético de crecimiento (superior, intermedio, e inferior) provenientes de 2 ensayos. Se evaluaron a través de distintos indicadores de ... -
Red Argentina de Parcelas Permanentes de Bosques Nativos para promover colaboraciones científicas en estudios de largo plazo
(Ecología Austral, 2022-05-30)Las parcelas forestales permanentes son áreas de muestreo donde se registran periódicamente la identidad, abundancia y tamaño de los árboles, para estudiar cómo cambian los bosques en relación con el clima, los disturbios ... -
Sistemas de monitoreo a largo plazo, una deuda para la conservación y manejo de los bosques nativos
(Argentina Forestal, 2019-03-23)Los bosques nativos se están transformando drásticamente debido al cambio de uso del suelo, cambio climático, sobreexplotación, ganadería, incendios, invasión de especies exóticas y cambios en procesos ecológicos (ejemplo: ... -
Edge effects and their influence on habitat suitability calculations : a continuous approach applied to birds of the Atlantic forest
(British Ecological Society, 2012-01-18)1. The suitability of human-modified habitats for native species and the response of species to habitat edges are two important ecological processes that affect species and communities in fragmented landscapes. However, ... -
Simple Process-Based Simulators for Generating Spatial Patterns of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: A Review and Introduction to the G-RaFFe Model
(Simon Thrush, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, 2013-05-28)Landscape simulators are widely applied in landscape ecology for generating landscape patterns. These models can be divided into two categories: pattern-based models that generate spatial patterns irrespective of the ... -
Species–fragmented area relationship
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2013-07-30)The species–area relationship (SAR) gives a quantitative description of the increasing number of species in a community with increasing area of habitat. In conservation, SARs have been used to predict the number of extinctions ... -
Bird responses to forest loss are influence by habitat specialization
(Diversity and Distributions. Wiley Online Library, 2017-05-16)Aim Due to intrinsic differences in the sensitivity to habitat grain among species, studies performed at different extent are necessary to understand the consequences of forest loss and fragmentation. Using a large database, ... -
Dung beetles response to livestock management in three different regional contexts
(Scientific Reports, 2020-02-28)The response of biological communities to human disturbances depends on factors acting at local and regional scale and on the interaction between them. We compared the response of native forest dung beetle communities to ... -
Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in the semideciduous Atlantic Forest : An ecological and morphological trait dataset for functional studies
(Biodiversity Data Journal, 2020-03-12)Background The semideciduous Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world with a great diversity of spiders. Most spider-related studies in this ecosystem focused on species richness and composition; ... -
Thermal niche helps to explain the ability of dung beetles to exploit disturbed habitats
(Scientific Reports, 2020-08-07)In terrestrial ecosystems, insects face a wide range of temperatures among habitats and time; consequently, the thermal niche is one of the main determinants of habitat selection and temporal patterns of activity. The ... -
The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits
(Database, 2021-10-20)Spiders are a highly diversified group of arthropods and play an important role in terrestrial ecosystems as ubiquitous predators, which makes them a suitable group to test a variety of eco-evolutionary hypotheses. For ... -
Livestock grazing impact differently on the functional diversity of dung beetles depending on the regional context in subtropical forests
(Scientific Reports, 2022-01-31)The replacement of native forest by cattle pastures reduces functional diversity; however, little is known about whether the changes depend on regional variation. Dung beetles are one of the most diverse and functionally ... -
Integrated approach for the bucking and production planning problems in forest industry
(ScienceDirect. Computers & Chemical Engineering., 2019-03-14)The appropriate integration among production activities is a key factor for the development of the forest industry in the northeast of Argentina. Sawmills are one of the main logs consumers. However, production planning ... -
Stochastic forestry harvest planning under soil compaction conditions
(Journal of Environmental Management, 2021-06-06)We present a study of annual forestry harvesting planning considering the risk of compaction generated by the transit of heavy forestry machinery. Soil compaction is a problem that occurs when the soil loses its natural ... -
Forest management decision making based on a real options approach: An application to a case in northeastern Argentina
(De Gruyter Open Ltd., 2018-04-25)The Net Present Value (NPV) approach is widely applied to assess forest investments, but this method has serious shortcomings, which we propose to overcome by switching to the assessment through the Real Options Approach ... -
Conservación por el uso en nuestros bosques nativos: ¿una utopía teórica o una oportunidad productiva?
(Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal, 2019-12-17)Los objetivos de conservación de los bosques se han vuelto prioritarios en el contexto de procesos globales de crisis de la biodiversidad, cambio del uso de suelo y de cambio climático. Durante mucho tiempo, la producción ...