Leopoldo : o encontro feliz
Este é um escrito memorialístico. Move-se, pois, no plano histórico e sentimental, para recordar um dos maiores antropólogos latinoamericanos: o notável Professor Leopoldo Bartolomé. Neste sentido, trata de recordá-lo em sua estatura profundamente humana; em sua fina erudição, como estudioso; na especial capacidade demiúrgica, reiteradas vezes demonstrada, tanto no meio acadêmico, quanto no mundo social. Referese a Leopoldo Bartolomé tal como este se revelou e distinguiu, seja pelos seus feitos notáveis como consultor, seja pelo seu brilhante destino, que o tornou mestre inexcedível do ofício de antropólogo, além de intelectual admirado pelo seu extenso saber e pelo fascínio de sua sempre amável presença. As a reminiscence of Leopoldo José Bartolomé, this text points out historical facts in his career as well as moral and sentimental features of his personality. In this sense, its main purpose is to remember him as one of the finest and most distinguished latinamerican anthropologists; to recall to our minds the man in his deeply humane stature, his wide and sophisticated scholarship, and his great institutional creativity, brilliantly witnessed in academic environment and social world, wherever his advice and expertise were needed. Most of all, it will remark his outstanding craftsmanship repeatedly shown by his notable achievements as a consultant and as professor of Anthropology. But, Leopoldo Bartolomé was not only an unsurpassed master of the anthropological craft. Finally, in addition all these qualities, he had a kind of spell which made him truly special – the fascination of his ever loving presence.
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